Go to the Admin page and use your user account name and password that you created in "ACCOUNT MANAGER" to login. If your log-in sucess, you're ready. In the post page, you can see three text fields.


Name your log in this field.

URI(URL) field

URI you write in this field will automatically linked. This means this URI will wrap the article title above. If you don't want to link your title, just leave it as "http://".

Cotegory field

P_BLOG is multi-categorizable. Keywords must be separated by comma.

For example[}/p>

PHP,MySQL,Web Develop,Web Application

Then you can categorize and list up the log in "PHP", "MySQL", "Web Develop", and "Web Applicaiton".


Wrapping your text with <p></p> is recommended. <p> means "Paragraph" and it breaks lines and generates spaces between paragraphs and paragraphs automatically. To generate gramatically & visually beautiful XHTML, use <p></p> instead of using many many <br />s.

GOOD Example[}/span>

<p>Your comment goes like this.</p>
<p>Your next paragraph should go like this.</p>

BAD Example[}/span>

Your commetn goes like this.<br />
<br />
<br />
Too many <br />s to make spaces (like this) is not recommended.

<p> is always better than <br />s even when your CSS is off.

If you are not familiar with coding XHTML tags, It's OK because XHTML tags you should master to use P_BLOG are not so many, and TAG buttons will help you write.


If you want to emphasize some words, use:

  1. <em>
  2. <strong>
  3. <strong class="stronger">
  4. <strong class="very-strong">

How to markup :

<strong class="stronger">Stronger</strong>
<strong class="very-strong">Very Strong</strong>

Here's how it looks :

Emphasize Strong Stronger Very Strong

How to write Hyper Link [}/h4>

(Level-1) Use <a> tag to markup the link. Write the target URI in href attribute.

<a href="">P_BLOG Project</a>

(Level-2) You can generate popup title by using title attriblute like this :

<a href=""
title="P_BLOG Project Official Site">
P_BLOG Project</a>

(Level-3) If you want to make external references look different from a regular link, use  ex-ref class.

<a href=""
title="P_BLOG Project Official Site"
P_BLOG Project</a>

And... here's the result. ↓

P_BLOG Project


To quote, use <blockquote>tag. Here's an example.

<blockquote cite="">
<p>Quote from P_BLOG Project Website.</p>

...and here's the result :

Quote from P_BLOG Project Website.

Notice that the URI in cite attribute will be converted to anchor link automatically.

How To Write Computer Keys[}/h4>

Use <kbd> element to define computer keyboards. To emphazie a specific key, use class="important". Here's an example :

<kbd class="important">S</kbd>

...and the result :



Text decoration classes are defined in text_decorations.css, and some P_BLOG's CSS classes are based on and compatible with the classes defined in's Markup Reference : Markup Reference

Uploading files

With this choose file forms, you can upload images, files with your log. Files will be stocked in "resources" folder, not in MySQL, so remember it when you write the file path.

Image Path Example[}/span>

<img src="./resources/my_image.png" width="100" height="20" alt="Image" />

You can inclease or declease the max value of upload files in Preferences Page. (Default is "3")


This is a bit different part of P_BLOG to the other weblog systems. You can stock many types of binary files like images, text, html, PDF, Photoshop PSD files, .mov or other movie formats, big files like over 100MB, or anything, into MySQL. All files will be downloadable.

Also, you can call these files from your blog very easily. You can pull out the files with bin.php?id=FILE ID. For example, if you want to call PDF files named foo.pdf which id is 123 with the anchor tag, you can code like:

<a href="./bin.php?id=123">foo.pdf<a>


Using analyzer is no-brainer. If you have set up already, you don't have to do anything. just go to


and enter your name, password, and click go. If user auth were success, analyze page would appear.